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    首頁 / 關(guān)于我們/ 會場信息

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    1970-01-01 - 1970-01-016.1F59

    SHUNLI took part in Automechanika SHANGHAI Exhibition on 29th Nov.-2nd Dec. 2017

    SHUNLI brought 2 post lifts, 4 post lift , scissor lifts and lifting platform for battery changing to attend the show.

    All of our workmates tried their best to do their job.


                                      Reception continuous

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

                                    2 post lift

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

                   Lifting platform for battery changing

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    Lower scissor lifts

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    Super thin double scissor lift with small jack and wheel aligner

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    Scissor lifts  

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai                         

    SHUNLI team

    SHUNLI Took Part in Automechanika Fair Shanghai

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